These Strange Days Are Still With Me

There are a lot of strange things that have happened in the two months that I’ve been with the place I work at right now.  A lot of strange things.  They vary in how strange they are yet they all have one simple thing in common.  Each thing left me wondering what the hell I just saw and what was going on.  I’m going to put a few of them here so that I can share some of these oddities with you.

One night while I was cleaning through the building I went upstairs.  There is a scale up there and two girls were checking their weights on the scale.  I thought nothing of it.  However, on my way back to the stairs I saw one girl on the scale and the other holding her boobs.  I can only assume they were checking weight both with and without boobs included.  They noticed me noticing what was going on and there was an awkward moment that ended with them running out of the building laughing.

Another night, while I was cashier, I saw something I never thought I would see in my life.  I was sitting at the cash register when I heard a vehicle driving towards the part of the street that my work is located.  That’s not strange.  When I saw the vehicle is when things got strange.  The vehicle was a van and on the side of the van were two words: Free Sex.  Through the back of the van you could see red, green, and blue lights.  The van was lit up like a damn cash cab.  I felt dirty just seeing the van.

I guess I’ll give you one more for now.  This one has happened multiple times and I have yet to fully comprehend what I’m seeing.  This is not due to me not knowing what I saw.  I do not comprehend it because I do not understand why I am seeing what I am seeing.  I’ll be at work when I hear the music.  60s or 70s rock and roll will start getting louder.  I know it’s about to happen at this point.  A man rides by on a motorcycle with this music blaring.  Not strange yet?  On the back of his motorcycle is a second rider.  That’s not too weird yet, right?  The second rider is a stuffed Wile E. Coyote wearing a construction vest.  I don’t know why he does this ride.  Does he have some kind of weird kink where he likes to display his love for his Wile E. Coyote?  Perhaps.

I think those are three solid moments of weird that I have experienced at work.  If you disagree you can explain why.  Until then, I’m going to keep my sheltered “This is weird” self in this state of thinking this is weird stuff to witness.  Until next time...


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