Leprechaun 4

Since Leprechaun 4 was possibly the worst abomination ever, I’m going to forget conventional writing style following the word now.

Leprechaun 4 was bad he came back three times and kills marines.  I saw aliens! And this was ripping it off.  Marines going after a creature too many times they started dies and i had to watch them dies and leprechaun guy kept coming back.  It was in space and stuff and he killed marines!  Hoo-ah!

Okay, enough of that.  I can’t stand writing that bad.  It makes me feel dumb, much like watching this movie does.  I’m going to reiterate all of those points later on in this, one by one while adding more to this to make it look like I have any idea of what I’m talking about.  Is that understood, marines?  I can’t hear you!

Warwick Davis is slumming it again by playing the same damn leprechaun who somehow returns from the dead.  Every time.  He returned thrice in this movie.  That means they killed him three times in this movie.  Once at the beginning, once about two thirds of the way through, and once at the end.  I don’t think it spoils anything to say that a horror villain of this sort dies in the movie he is in.

From what I found on the internet, this movie was conceived to be a parody of Apollo 13.  All that remains of that idea is the poster.  That is all.  The rest of it feels like Aliens, replacing all of the aliens with one leprechaun, and removing Newt.  Basically, it’s a bastardisation of the source material, if you can call it source material.  It does have the guy who played Juwanna Mann in it though and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thing he’s in where he didn’t amuse me.  He’s my favourite part of Leprechaun 4: In Space.  Also in here is the Binford Tool Girl from Home Improvement that wasn’t Pam Anderson.  It was the other one.

There is a guy in this movie that is two thirds machine.  You know, I’ve never even thought of wanting to see that in a Leprechaun movie.  After seeing this one, I still never want to see it in a Leprechaun movie.  Same with the leader of the marines who had a metal plate for half of his head.  I have no idea what he said at all in the movie because I was too focused on the metal plate.  These attempts at sci-fi flourishes didn’t work for me, and I don’t believe they worked for the movie as a whole.  Although something happens to someone that makes them a secondary villain which was sort of interesting, I guess.  Mutation type of something to be a little more specific.

Before I end this I want to point out how terrible the special effects were.  I can’t even begin to describe them.  They weren’t Birdemic bad, but they were pretty damn bad.  Maybe on par with a SyFy original movie.  That’s what you get for a direct to video Leprechaun movie.

I’m glad that one is behind me now.  I can get on to a couple of movies that bring the series back to Earth.  Coming up is the one two punch of Leprechaun In Da Hood, and Leprechaun Back 2 Da Hood.  These should be fun.

Oh, I just remembered the best joke of the entire series thus far, and it was in Leprechaun in Space.  I forget exactly what it followed, but the punch line was “I’ve seen worse.  Ever been to Detroit?”


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