Rob Zombie's Halloween II

I took a day away from writing to try and figure out what I would actually say about Rob Zombie’s Halloween II.  I thought long and hard.  I was determined to figure out how to comprehend what I had watched.  I still do not know fully what I submitted myself to by watching it.

The movie I watched was a sequel to the remake of Halloween.  It was not a remake of the original sequel of the original Halloween.  Same star, same Michael Myers, same Malcolm McDowell as Dr. Loomis.  The biggest difference is the structure of the movie.  Halloween II has a plot very similar to what I assume a bad acid trip would be.  There is murder, crazy underground parties with half naked women, and white horse hallucinations.  That is how it is structured.  It’s like a bad dream.

It makes no sense though.  How did all of these people survive the first one?  How do Michael and Laurie have the same hallucinations?  Why is Laurie’s name Angel when everyone called her Baby Boo in the first half of the first one?  I don’t remember any of this being explained.

Brad Dourif is still as awesome as ever.  If he had been the main character, I think the movie would have been better.  That’s just me nitpicking, however.  I likely could not make a coherent movie either.  I would have had more Brad Dourif though.  Every scene he was in, I was captivated by his acting.  Why this guy isn’t in more stuff that I know, I have no idea.  He deserves more work in mainstream movies.

Aside from Dourif, the hospital scene at the beginning was probably my favourite part of the movie.  Michael Myers shows up and starts killing while Nights in White Satin plays in the background.  The contrast between the song and what is on screen was something that settled with me in a good way.  Not that I like killing.  In an effective movie way.  Other than that, nothing in the movie appealed to me.

This movie was like Rob Zombie wanted to shit all over what a Halloween movie should be.  He took everything, made it dirty, made us care for Michael a little bit, gave a bit more backstory, made no sense, and it wasn’t scary at all.  Halloween is supposed to have some sort of sense of dread to it.  This movie had none.  And I really want to spoil how happy the end made me for two being that the movie was over, the other being the spoiler.  I’m not going to spoil it though.  Some people might still want to torture themselves with this movie.

The entire series is complete.  Ten movies.  I have climbed that mountain!  I have seen the highs and the lows.  I stood on the peak and looked down upon the bottom.  None of that really makes sense after the word mountain.  Anywho...I might do a look back at the entire series sometime within the next week.  It all depends on if I want to and if anybody that reads up to this point isn’t sick of all of this Halloween talk stuff.  So...


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