Bond Theme

One of the staples of James Bond films is the James Bond movie themes.  They vary in style due to the wide array of artists that have worked on them.  Some examples include Paul McCartney, Tina Turner, Carly Simon, Shirley Bassey, and Duran Duran.  Now you get to read my suggestions for who should be sought for the next Bond movie, Skyfall.

The first artist that I think could do a good job is Kiss.  We haven’t had a good rocking theme song to a Bond film since Another Way to Die, the song from Quantum of Solace.  We could really use another rocking song to get us back into the action.  Who better to bring that about than the band that brought you greats such as Detroit Rock City and Rock and Roll All Night?  Nobody, that’s who.  They are the perfect pick for a rocking theme song that will be enjoyed by many a film viewer.

For those who are more into the poppy side of the Bond theme songs, may I suggest we take a look back at the 80s and perhaps pull out a well known man by the name of Rick Astley?  This is the man that brought the inspirational Never Gonna Give You Up to the world.  He could use Bond as a way to show that he is more than just that one song.  Nobody believes it anymore.  James Bond could make it happen.  The deep, smooth voice could expand everyone’s brains, allowing for a more fulfilling experience.  I hope that you agree.

Coming off of Tron Legacy, Daft Punk could use a bit more movie work.  Don’t you think so?  Their energetic, electronic style would be a great contrast to the technologically stripped down direction that the series has been going to.  Plus, who doesn’t get into the song Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger?  That’s right.  Everybody gets into it.  Daft Punk does that.  They bring you into anything.

No James Bond movie has ever had a country theme song, I don’t think.  Mind you, I don’t remember too much of the late Moore or the Dalton films.  Why don’t we get Hank Williams Jr. to do the theme song?  He gets everyone excited for football.  He could get us all excited for James Bond.  Even better, the villain could be Hitler!  It would be amazing.  AMAZING.  WILLIAMS FOR BOND 23!

So there’s a few picks for the next bond theme artist.  Do you agree, or disagree?  I don’t care.  Have fun talking about this.


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