Rosemary's Baby

Do you want to know a scary thought?  Unplanned pregnancy.  When you aren’t ready to have a child and realize that one is on the way, you could have a lot of fear on your hands.  It could keep you up at night, as could the baby, of course.  But there is something scarier than that.  What if you thought your baby was wanted by a cult? In Rosemary’s Baby, that is what Rosemary believes is happening with her pregnancy.

Rosemary’s Baby stars Mia Farrow, John Cassavettes, and Ruth Gordon among others.  It’s about pretty much exactly what I said before.  A woman named Rosemary gets pregnant and believes that a cult wants her baby.  It’s directed by Roman Polanski, the man behind such hits as The Piano, Macbeth, and getting away with pedophilia.  That’s right.  I’m not above a child molestation joke.

I’m going to put it out there right now and say that I wasn’t a fan of Mia Farrow’s acting in the first half of the movie.  Second half, completely sold, and I think she’s a great actress.  First half of the movie, she didn’t grip me into anything and seemed to be distant from the character.  Every other person was good and I have no problems with their acting.  Except for Charles Grodin’s mustache.  Did I mention he was in this movie?  The dad from the first two Beethoven movies is featured for a bit in Rosemary’s Baby and I couldn’t pay any attention to him because his facial hair was terrible.

All that aside, there is nothing else for me to complain about for this movie.  I was invested in the main character’s struggle with those around her and what was inside her.  The slow unravelling of both the mystery and her mental anguish was the most gripping part of the movie and left me wanting more when I got to the end.

I was going to say this was the next addition to however many Tony Curtis movies I’d seen because I don’t know how many I’ve seen, and every time I see one, I think “I just watched another Tony Curtis movie.  How many am I at?  It can’t be that much”.  Then I looked at imdb and I saw he was in Bad News Bears go to Japan and any care for the number goes out the window.  I can’t help but feel bad for the guy now.  Back on topic, he did some good voice work in this movie.  Yeah.  That’s all.

And that about wraps up this whole shebang.  I don’t want to spoil the movie so I don’t.  Can you dig it?  Check out Rosemary’s Baby if you haven’t seen it.  Very good movie.


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