Explanation of What's To Come

October is a month dominated by a single day; two for us Canadians.  If I discuss the second there will be angry hate mails from Americans telling me that the true day to celebrate this holiday comes a month and a half later. Leave me alone people.  I don’t control holidays. The one that dominates October, however, is Halloween.

Now, I was going to write up a blog about a movie right away for my first true new blog entry for this attempt at running a blog.  It was going to be a decent movie.  I feel that before I do that, I should give a sort of lead in as to why that movie is going to be discussed by me and what importance it has. Obviously by my first paragraph it must be in tune with the Halloween season. That it is.

I decided this year that, along with some of my fellow Twitter people, that I was going to spend a month watching certain horror genre movies.  Why?  While, it fits the season and I like horror.  Last year I did the same thing when I watched the House series and the Return of the Living Dead series.  Neither of those series were all that long.  I upped it this year.  I may have also upped the quality of my marathon on at least one count.

This year I have chosen to watch through all ten Halloween films.  The eight original series films and the two remakes.  This is what I mean by higher quality.  Although I enjoy the House and Return of the Living Dead series, I’d say that there was more quality in the Halloween series than either of those ones.  The other series I have chosen to watch might not be on the same level as Halloween however.  Have you heard of Leprechaun?  Yeah.  He wants his gold back and he’ll kill some pimps and go on a space crusade to get it.

All of this is, in a round-a-bout way, my telling you that there will be an abundance of horror movie blog entries this month.  Halloween, Leprechaun, and whatever else I watch or have something to say about.  If you don’t like horror, you are probably in for a long month.

Tomorrow, I shall type up an entry on the first entry of Halloween.  Hopefully I won’t say entry so much because it is already an annoyance to me.


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