Leprechaun Back 2 Tha Hood

I have finally finished the series of movies I have been watching, which means that I have completed Leprechaun Back 2 tha Hood.  They say that if you’ve got nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all.  Out of the entire final movie I do have a couple of good things to say, which is the only reason I’m writing about it right now.  I will share some bad things as well.

I’ve already said in previous entries that Warwick Davis is the best part of each movie.  He perfectly embodies the personality of the leprechaun in ways that I don’t think many other actors could.  What helped him out for the final instalment was the change in costume.  Instead of being dressed like the cheesy, stereotypical leprechaun, whoever designed the costumes this time around made the leprechaun look darker and more demonic.  Had they done that early on, the leprechaun would have been a bit more threatening in the early films.  It could have potentially helped the entire series be better.  Except for Leprechaun in Space.  There is no way that one could have been saved in any way.

You know how I praised the plot, and the characters I cared about in Leprechaun in the Hood?  They removed all of that stuff this time around.  I didn’t like any of the characters and the plot was “People get money, people start spending money, and the leprechaun wants it back.” After a movie that had a storyline where some characters were trying to become successful musicians, while also being semi-likeable, this movie was a complete disappointment.  When characters were getting killed in this movie, I did not care in any way whatsoever.

The editing also took a hit going into the final instalment.  When they were transitioning between scenes, they had odd swipes, or the page turn scene change and stuff like that.  It doesn’t work in a movie that is otherwise not stylized in any way.  It was like watching a powerpoint presentation.  I don’t like to watch powerpoint presentations.  Very few people actually do like watching them.  By association, that means that very few people will like the editing of this movie.

Despite all of this stuff, I was completely invested in the final half hour of the movie.  It’s tough to actually touch upon it without spoiling the end of the movie.  Let me just tell you that it is relatively action packed, and if the characters were actually likeable, I would have been worried for their lives.  If not for the ending I would have felt the whole movie a waste.  This final third of the movie changed my thoughts however and showed that there was potential at one time.  It’s too bad the potential was wasted.

I have no idea what will be coming up next.  I’ve watched House of Wax so I guess you have my thoughts on that to look forward to.  Not sure what else there will be.  I’ll figure that out at some point today and you’ll find out soon.


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