Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers

I like when a horror movie builds up characters that you can attach yourself to.  There is some back story to the characters, they have a personality and a range of emotions, they are someone you want to root for.  Halloween 5 didn’t have this so much and was thus a disappointment in my mind.

In Halloween 5, we continue to follow Jamie Lloyd, the star of the fourth Halloween film.  She is now being looked after by Dr. Loomis and her foster sister.  However, Michael is still alive and returns for, what I assume is, his revenge.  The subtitle is “The Revenge of Michael Myers” after all.  The three characters I mentioned earlier in this paragraph are the only three real characters in the movie.  Otherwise, Halloween became a home for some Friday the 13th characters.  It was a bunch of sex craving teenagers.  This is not what I want.  If it was, I’d watch Jason Takes Manhattan or something.

There are three things I want to point out about the movie.  I don’t really have too much to say about this one.  Michael Myers has become even more superhuman than he was before.  He has survived so much abuse.  Nobody could survive being shot so many times, stabbed so many times, or run over by a car.  He managed to do all that prior to the fifth instalment, and does even more in this one.  Next, this movie promotes safe sex.  That’s right.  We see a condom.  Thanks for the message, Halloween 5.  Much appreciated.  And third, there’s a new “character”.  They call him The Man in Black.

The Man in Black isn’t in the movie too much.  He stalks around like Michael did in the first of the series.  He doesn’t do much until the final few minutes.  I’m not saying what.  I’ll not spoil those who actually want to see this movie.  I don’t remember him being in the sixth.  I haven’t seen that one in years though, so he could be.  Either way...he wears all black.  That’s why he is the Man in Black.  I don’t really know the point of him yet.

Oh...I guess I have one more thing.  Why was the 1989 Halloween film the most 80s looking out of all of them?  That seems kind of odd, considering there were three others in the series made in the 80s.  One was a year earlier and more in the 80s than this one.  Why were the clothes in this one more stereotypically 80s?  Thinking about it gives me a headache.

I’m kind of excited to move past first timers Halloween 4 and Halloween 5.  I’m now getting to Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers, featuring Paul Rudd.  It is the one where Myers is trying to kill a baby.  Exciting stuff.  Let’s see how this goes.


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