Leprechaun 2

You can go into a movie with really low expectations and still be disappointed by the movie.  That was how I felt about Leprechaun.  Then you can go into a movie, also with low expectations, and feel alright.  That’s how I felt about Leprechaun 2.  There is also the third case where you go into a movie with low expectations and are blown away by how good the movie is.  I’m talking about Leprechaun 2, so that doesn’t matter.

Leprechaun 2 once again stars Warwick Davis.  I don’t know any of the other main cast’s names nor do I care to.  Warwick Davis was the only person I would say was doing a good job with the acting so he’s the only one I care about naming.  The plot of this one is not that the Leprechaun wants his gold back.  Instead, it is his birthday and he wants to take a bride by whatever means necessary.  Yes, at one point he does lose a piece of gold and it plays a pivotal role in the plot, but the plot is not about getting the gold back.  It’s about getting the girl.

I think the part that makes this movie work more than the last is...well, it’s really two things.  The writing is not any better than it was before.  It still sucks.  But the jokes land a little bit more here and they don’t try to make the leprechaun as terrifying as the first one attempted because watching a leprechaun just is not terrifying.  This movie embraced what could be done with a leprechaun attacking people premise.  The second thing that I think helped the movie out is the editing.  No more is there the really bad looking sped up leprechaun on some sort of wheels moments.  Everything in the movie moves at the same speed.  The constant speed of the movie kept me in it instead of bringing me out like the sped up stuff did.

For those expecting something good out of this movie, I can’t tell you that this is a good movie.  It’s not.  Minus Warwick Davis, the acting is fairly bad.  The continuity between this film and its predecessor is almost non-existent.  There are a couple of bad music cues, and there is a Scooby Doo-esque scene.  You know those scenes where there is a hallway and they go into doors and come out other doors?  It was similar to that.

I don’t have much to say about Leprechaun 2.  It was at least mildly entertaining which I can’t say for the first movie.  Time for Leprechaun 3?  Time for Leprechaun 3.


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