Piranha (1995)

In honour of William Katt having a lead role in the 1995 remake of Piranha, this is going to be a reworking of the theme song to The Greatest American Hero.  Here goes.

Look at what’s happened to me,
I can’t believe it myself.
Suddenly I’m pulled beneath the tide,
It should have been somebody else.

Believe it or not,
I’m swimming in waves,
I never thought it would be my gra-a-ave.
Attacked by the fish,
And they’re eating my flesh,
What could they be?
The piranha have come to eat me!

Mila Kunis is my child.
All of the guys will go wild.
She’s only ten so get your eyes off of her,
Or I’ll throw you into the water!

Believe it or not,
I’m swimming in waves,
I never thought it would be my gra-a-ave.
Attacked by the fish,
And they’re eating my flesh,
What could they be?
The piranha have come to eat me!

The end.

I have nothing to say about this movie.  I feel like I rewatched the first one with different actors playing the parts.  Some of the effects used were taken right out of the 1978 Joe Dante original.  That did make me laugh and was worth noting here.  Other than that, nothing really of note that hasn’t been said.

Except...I’ve noticed one thing as I’ve progressed through the franchise.  The more recent the Piranha film, the more gratuitous nudity there is.  Piranha 3-D is the craziest of the nudity in the films so this trend will hold.  Who knows about the sequel, Piranha 3-DD yet.  I’m going to rewatch Piranha 3-D within the next couple of days.  Be excited for that.


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