At the Grocery Store

Last week I went for a quick trip to the grocery store.  I wanted to have some homemade poutine but I did not have French fries.  That’s the reason I went to the store.  To get fries.  The trip started like any other.  Drive up there.  Get out of the car.  Go into the store.

I realized about two minutes in that I’d need a basket or a shopping cart because I was going to end up with more than just fries.  I went to the front of the store.  There were no baskets there.  (What kind of store runs out of baskets?  Seriously?  You should have enough baskets at your disposal one hour before closing that nobody is going without one.  Whatever.) That meant that I would need to walk outside and grab a shopping cart.

The shopping carts at this store are all linked together.  To unlink one, you put a quarter into a box.  The quarter pushes the chain’s lock out of the box, and you’re free to go.  When you finish your shopping, you put the chain lock back in, and it pushes the quarter out.  I put the quarter in and went into the store again with the cart.

Halfway through shopping, I noticed there was no box on the cart.  I don’t know where it went.  It was gone.  The box was supposed to be attached to the handle.  It wasn’t there.  Just my hand pushing on the cart.

I have no way to come down from that climax.  I’m just going to finish by saying that I was not only out whatever money I spent on the food at the grocery store.  I was also out the quarter that I used to allow me to borrow the cart.  That was a whole twenty five cents wasted.  I could have bought a candy at the store with that quarter.  Now someone else is laughing at my stupidity.  As are some of you, for sure.

As for the poutine...I had the wrong gravy.  Never make poutine with chicken gravy.  Chicken gravy looks like some really bad white vomit.  Just no.  Not happening.


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