Cold Drizzle

Why is it that all of the days that I have off from work now are crappy?  Outside today and yesterday there was a cold drizzle.  It’s worse than snow, it’s worse than thunderstorm.  I hate cold drizzles.  They ruin anyone’s mood.  They are that depressing looking weather that just makes a person depressed.

If it weren’t for this rain, I would have gone for a walk or a jog today.  Keep myself exercising.  Keep myself at least a little bit in shape.  Nope.  It had go cold drizzle.  Cold drizzle will keep me from going for a walk or jog.  I can handle the cold.  I can handle the wet.  I can’t handle them well together.  I don’t want the wetness to be cold.  That will get me sick.  I don’t want to be sick.  I want to be healthy.

For those of you who say “go to a gym,” I say hell no.  They charge you lots of money and I’d likely only go once, and even then, just use one or two things and call it a day.  At least if I go for a walk, I can get myself to go a certain distance then when I get tired of walking, I need to walk that same distance to get back.  Or jog.  Or find something else to do outside.  Outside is an important part of it to me.

I’d much rather be outside than inside.  It’s like Jason Lee says in Dreamcatcher. “Better out than in.”  I agree.  I’d much rather be outside getting exercise than inside getting exercise.  The fresh air, or motorized air in the city, feels better to me than the sweat filled inside area where a treadmill would be placed.

I’m not sure why walking got me to complaining that outside is better than inside.  I missed out on a good walk today because of crap weather.  It pisses me off.  Rain, rain, go away.  Get warm, then come back.


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