House of Wax (1953)

A man has his life’s work destroyed and sets out to get revenge and replace his property.  This is the story behind 1953’s House of Wax.  This movie stars Vincent Price as a wax artist who has all of his wax figures melt in a fire.  There are also a bunch of other people who I don’t know, and Charles Bronson in an earlier role of his.  It’s a 3-D movie that I couldn’t watch in 3-D which disappointed me because I think it would have been a fun addition to an already good horror film.

There isn’t much to say about this one.  I can try but most of this will be quantity over quality, methinks.

The DVD case for this movie says that this movie was a magnificent performance by Vincent Price.  I don’t completely agree with that.  Yes, it’s a solid performance, but it wasn’t above and beyond villain performances in many of the horror movies that I have seen.  I would put more of how spooky the villain is upon the mask work.  Although, when Vincent Price is the Vincent Price looking character, he’s good.  The mask, however, when he doesn’t look like Vincent Price is what brings the fear to the movie.  The mask is creepy looking which adds to the movie.  Charles Bronson is the best actor in the movie, in my opinion.  He’s much more menacing than Vincent Price and he doesn’t say a word.  That is good acting work.

This doesn’t have too much to do with House of Wax, but more to do with movies that were made at the time.  I love when a neighbourhood is set made.  It doesn’t matter what it is in, I always have a place in my heart for neighbourhood sets.  Watching people run around a set of a neighbourhood makes me happy inside because there is too much focus on “reality” and “on location shooting” these days.

Now that I’m done talking about this one, let me say it’s always funny when a remake takes almost none of the original movie when it’s being made.  In the remake of House of Wax, the only similarity is where the wax figures come from.  Otherwise, the plot is completely different, the motive is completely different, the main characters are completely different.  It’s actually a really funny comparison.

That’s all I have to say about this one.  It wasn’t much.  I hope it was enough to satisfy anyone that’s actually reading this.


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