Seeing Cold

There comes a time of year when you look outside and you can see that it’s cold.  It’s not a feeling.  You can’t feel the lack of heat.  You just take a glance outside and it looks cold.  That happened for the first time for me today.  First time for this season, I should say.

It’s windy, it’s rainy.  The grass is beginning to lose its summer green.  The leaves are changing colours.  All of this adds to the aesthetic look of cold.  There is no snow yet, so I guess it’s not that cold.  However you can tell the rain is cold.

I went outside tonight as well.  It confirmed the cold look.  I probably should have had a sweater or jacket.  I walked out there in a t-shirt instead.  It was chilly.  My nipples wanted to poke through my shirt.

I think that’s a good high note to end on.


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