Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland

A social experiment gone very, very wrong is the core of Sleepaway Camp 3: Teenage Wasteland.  Angela Baker is back to kill more campers in what is another movie with minimal amounts of plot.  And she’s still being portrayed by Bruce Springsteen’s sister.  Isn’t it exciting?!?!?!

It really isn’t.  She beats most of the people with sticks.  That’s the amount of originality this movie had.  There were one or two semi-interesting kills, but the stick got the most screen time.  She beat three or four people with that thing at different times throughout the movie.

The basic idea behind the plot was that a group of kids are put together.  Half of them were higher class, half were lower class.  They were at the camp to mingle and show that high class and low class could get along.  But Angela came along too.  Set up, kill.  Same as the last.  It was mostly set up, kill.  There were a couple scenes that didn’t involve set up or a kill, but they lasted about ten seconds each and amounted to a total of around two minutes of an hour and twenty minute movie.

I didn’t enjoy this movie so much.  By the third instalment of the series it was over the top bad, but not in a so bad it’s good way.  Just outright bad.  I have nothing else to write about it.  I guess I’m done.


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