
When life gives you lemons, do you make lemonade?  I don’t.  I stare at the lemon.  Then I pull out a knife and carve a face into a lemon.  Why do I do such things?  A lemon deserves a face just as much as a person.  It needs to see the world around it.  It needs to see what it was born into.  This lemon will only be here for a short time.  It should be allowed to soak in its surroundings before the time comes to slice up that lemon and put the juice on your fish and chips.  This lemon deserves to enjoy itself before you enjoy it.  It’s just a lemon but it lived a life too.  Care for the lemon.  Treat it right.  Then it will treat your insides right.  It’s the proper thing to do.

I don’t hedge my bets on life being perfect.  Life can be a bitch.  It can be a great big female dog.  This female dog could have bloodthirst and want to rip your face right off of your skull.  It is something you have to deal with.  Nobody gets the perfect life.  Even the high and mighty have bad things happen to them.  Everybody lives life the same.

As much as you may plan ahead, you really only care about the moment you are in.  That is all that matters.  You could plan your way to wealth and be hit by a car on the way to the bank.  Or better yet, you ironically get run over by an ambulance.  It is how the world works.  You never know what tomorrow will bring.  You live in the now and only the now.  Nobody can predict the future perfectly.  Nobody.  If we could, sickness would end, death could be dodged.  There are all sorts of things that could happen.  But we can’t see into the future.  We can only see what is happening as it happens.  That is how things work and that is how they will stay.

This all comes back to the lemon.  My lemon with a face can only see what is right in front of it.  That is, if it can see at all.  The lemon would have been picked before it was given to me.  It was likely dead and I defaced, or rather added a face, to the partial corpse of a plant.  That’s morbid.  Think about that when you are carving your pumpkins this Halloween.  You are defiling a dead body.  You are basically drawing on your deceased grandfather’s face in order to please children.  You are sick, sick people.

Happy early Halloween, by the way.


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