Let's Give This One More Try

I'm back.  Hopefully I can keep some sort of schedule going on where I can put up enough entries.  Someone asked me once if I could pull off being a blogger.  So far, I'd say I haven't pulled it off.  This is going to change.  I swear.  This time will be different.

What I am going to do is get at least one entry up per week.  At least.  If I have more, I have more.  Good for me, good for you, good for the blog.  It will be good all around.  That's what my plan is.  I don't know what the entries will be, or how long they will be.  I just want to have something.

Why am I trying again?  I need some sort of outlet.  Life gets kind of boring when it is work, home, school, and 140 characters to people online.  I need more.  I need to share more of what I have to say.  I need a bigger canvas upon which to inspect myself, the stuff I do, the people around me, and my life in general.  I need a way to get some of it out of me.  This seems like the perfect way.  It is kind of what I was doing before anyway.

This seems like it was a dead blog.  No longer shall it be that way.  From now on, this blog shall live.  This is the internet.  It's written in ink.  I must provide the strokes with which the ink imprints the paper.  The paper being the internet in this case.  That is what I am here to do.

Without further adieu, on with the blog.  Back to your regularly scheduled blog.  Um...one more time for the memories.  Let's get it done.


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