Sleepaway Camp

In the 80s there was a large surge in slasher movies due in large part to Halloween and Friday the 13th.  The movie I most recently watched was largely influenced by Friday the 13th.  It was called Sleepaway Camp.

The basic plot of Sleepaway Camp is that people are getting killed at a summer camp.  That is the same exact plot as Friday the 13th.  It also doesn’t reveal who the killer is until near the end of the movie.  The actors really are not important in any way as they were all low level actors.  I cannot tell you anything else that any of them were in.  I’m fairly sure that none of them were in any of the sequels.

It is completely understandable as to why the actors weren’t in too much other stuff.  The acting in this movie is terrible.  Especially right before the two main kids, Ricky and Angela, are about to head to camp.  The mother/aunt is brutal.  I laughed out loud at her acting and this is not a comedy at all.  Another great moment in bad acting was the first attack.  The man who was attacked screamed so long that he was still screaming when the paramedics arrived.  The scream was also the most inaccurate scream for what had happened.  It made my brother laugh, and he wasn’t watching the movie, he could only hear it.

I honestly thought I had more to say about this movie but everything else that I have to say would spoil some of the big moments in the movie, the biggest being the ending.  That ending is insane.  The credits song was interesting.  If you do watch this movie, make sure to wait until about twenty seconds into the credits to turn it off.  The lyrics take about that long to start.  I thought it was some sort of synthesizer instrumental but then the lyrics started.  Then I listened to the song.  It wasn’t terrible.

All in all, this was worth the watch but I think the sequels will be more entertaining when I rewatch them.  We’ll soon find out.  Keep up with this stuff to learn what I think when I see them.  Okay?  Okay.


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