Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Twenty-five days til Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.  It doesn’t sound as good when the number is not monosyllabic.  It really, truly does not.  I’ll leave the song up to the movie.  Not only because you cannot properly express a song through text, but also because at this time distance from Halloween the song just does not work.

If you know the song then you know that this is about Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  This is the third movie in the Halloween series.  It does not feature Michael Myers as the antagonist.  Instead, this movie is a completely different story having to do with a world being destroyed by Halloween masks.

A lot of people hate Halloween III for no other reason than that it does not feature Michael Myers.  Technically it does...when they are showing the movie Halloween on a television; however, he’s not a character in this sequel.  I kind of appreciate that though.  They wrapped up the Myers story fairly well with the second movie.  There was no need for a third with that story.  Mind you, now there are ten Halloween movies.  That’s not the point.  The point is that the series was moving into an anthology series.  Each movie was going to follow a different story.  The third one failed so they scrapped that idea.  It failed for the reason I stated before, no Michael Myers made people mad.

If you understand that jumbled paragraph that is located directly above this sentence, props.

I kind of like this movie.  If you remove the mentality that it is the only movie in the franchise without Michael Myers, it is sort of a fun movie.  Outrageous plot?  I guess you could say that.  It does involve people’s heads turning into bugs, as well as Stonehenge, and some crazy strong android slave things.  However, it still brings some tense moments.  Also, if you suspend your disbelief, the plot does make sense.

There isn’t much for me to say about this movie that doesn’t involve this turning into, once again I use this example, The Chris Farley Show.  Did you see when the bugs and snakes started coming out of that kid’s head and then the snake attacked his dad?  That was pretty awesome.  Yeah, that’s what this would turn into.  So...I’m just going to finish off with two things that slightly bothered me about this movie.

The first problem is that the main character is unlikable.  He’s a doctor (likable) with a family (likable) and a wife (likable).  What happens through the movie?  He cheats on his wife (unlikable), ditches his family (unlikable), and cheats on his wife again (unlikable).  Once he began cheating on his wife, I cared nothing for what happened to him.  If he died, I would have cared zero, as long as the bad guy was stopped.

The other major problem was that they were playing Halloween on the televisions and calling it a classic film.  First, this movie was only a few years after Halloween originally came out so it wasn’t a classic yet.  The other issue is that it is in the same series as the Halloween films.  If they were able to watch them, they’d know a third Halloween was coming out, but since they were the third Halloween movie...see?  There’s a lack of logic there.

Halloween III was enjoyable upon the rewatch.  The song is strangely eerie and the ending is perfect for the film.  I would recommend checking it out.  Halloween 4 coming up later today or tomorrow.


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