Horrible Bosses

I took a break from my horror marathon for one movie.  If you want reasoning for that, here it comes.  I’ve watched ten Halloween movies, The Haunting, and four Leprechaun movies without any other genre of movie in there.  Sure, the Leprechaun movies have some comedy, but at their core, they are schlocky horror flicks.  I decided last night that I would detour myself into watching a comedy that I’ve wanted to see for a few months now.  I watched Horrible Bosses.

Horrible Bosses was the comedic team-up that I never thought I would want to see.  Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey, and Colin Farrell are the stars.  This movie also has a lot of people popping up in smaller roles, such as Donald Sutherland, Ioan Gruffudd, John Francis Daley, PJ Byrne, Julie Bowen, Jamie Foxx, Bob Newhart, Ron White, and Isaiah Mustafa.  On my Microsoft Word, all of those names are three lines of writing.  That’s a big cast of people I felt were worth mentioning.  They all add into what I thought was a rather enjoyable movie.

Quick plot summary?  Okay.  Three guys hate their bosses and decide they will murder each other’s bosses.  That’s a fairly quick and easy way to say what almost the entire plot of the movie is.  I’m actually not sure it is any more complex than that.

Comedy is a tough genre to talk about.  Other genres you can objectively look at how well the movie is made and how effective it is.  A comedy is harder to do that with.  Comedy movies depend on their jokes and the jokes land depending on your individual sense of humour.  To me, Horrible Bosses hit most of its jokes perfectly.  I laughed out loud a few times.  And now I feel like always saying “I’d like to bend her over a barrel and show her the fifty states.”

The performances seemed to be right where they were supposed to be.  Like I’ve been saying, not necessarily on the blog, Jason Sudeikis is only getting better.  When he first showed up on SNL, he seemed very amateurish.  Over the years he has managed to hone his style and has now moved that style to movies.  I would like to welcome him to movies.  I really like Horrible Bosses and, as much as this ruined my credibility, I quite enjoyed Hall Pass.  He was solid in both of them.  Charlie Day...what else do I need to say?  The guy knows what he does to perfection.  And Jason Bateman is a person I could watch and enjoy in anything.  Hell, I liked him in Teen Wolf Too.

There is one person who deserves an entire paragraph.  Jennifer Aniston.  I’d like to bend her over a barrel and show her the fifty states.  She was hot in this movie.  She ate foods in a weird order, from cold to hot.  She started with the popsicle, then the banana, then the hot dog.  She was in her dentist’s coat without any shirt or bra underneath.  I want to just dance on her boobies.

I’ll stop repeating jokes from the movie and let you watch it yourself.  You should.  It’s a good movie.  The end might be a little bit of a cop out (not the Kevin Smith movie in any way), however the jokes are good, the acting is good, you get a hot Jennifer Aniston, and I’m telling you to watch it.  Take that how you will.  Watch the movie.

Leave me comments filled with hate.  I know you want to, because this Horrible Bosses blog entry is horrible itself.


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