Blog Update From Me To You

I’m going to get more into writing on the blog, outside of the marathon stuff.  I want to.  I don’t only want to be putting up stuff about the movies in the marathon.  In the next few days, a few new recurring things will be showing up.  I’m going to go over a couple of them here.  Ignore me if you want.  Read some of them when they come up.  I don’t care what you do.  I want to get more stuff up, and these are some of the ideas.

The first idea is sticking with the theme of movies.  And it’s pretty much going to be the same as a marathon, except not.  I’m sure it will evolve into its own thing.  Basically, I’m going to put up a poll with three movies.  Each movie is going to seem like a bad movie.  I’ll watch whatever one wins and get back to you guys on it.  Basically, you’re telling me which one you would want to read my opinion of.  And I’ll have to watch some horrible stuff, most likely.  Feel free to leave comments with suggestions, or tell me your ideas on Twitter @JurassicGriffin.  Oh, by the way, the first three choices are a Hasselhoff trio: Avalanche (1994), The Christmas Consultant (2012), or Starcrash (1978).

Second idea.  I live in a tourist town and work in the tourist industry.  I might as well share some stories of the things I see, or have seen.  Some are interesting.  Others are not.  You’ll be able to read some of the stories of things I have witnessed.

Idea number three.  I’ve done this one before.  I can do it again, I think.  I’ll sit down and type.  That’s it.  Anything that comes to mind, I’ll type it out.  What I type is what you get.  It’s a simple idea and could lead to some interesting things.

Those are three ideas of what you’ll be seeing show up here in the near future.  The marathons will still be going.  This change is for me, though.  I need some variety to what I’m writing.  It gets boring when I’m writing the same thing, day in and day out.

If you have any ideas of what you want to see me writing about, I’d like to read your ideas and then not do most of them.


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