Movies By My Housemates Tastes 2
You may remember about a year ago when I wrote about watching GI: Joe, a movie which my housemate Rupert told me was good. You’ll remember me feeling like I’d just had my soul crushed by Rupert saying that. It was a terrible movie. Yet he said it was good. I don’t know what was up with that. Well, now another thing comes out of Rupert that I cannot stand for. He won’t give Fast Five a chance. He will not watch it and has said that he never will. This seems completely ludicrous to me for a number of reasons. It’s a fun action movie. The trailer could show you that. The stunts in the movie are more practical than most movies you will see. The acting may not be the greatest, but the action fun far outweighs that. Why won’t he watch it, ever? He didn’t like the second one through the fourth so he’s writing this off as another failed attempt. Which it isn’t. Rupert has been told by multiple...