Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2, Episode 49: Storybook Rangers, Part II
In the first half of Storybook
Rangers, three of the Power Rangers were stuck powerless in a book called Grumble the Magic Elf, trying to fight
off The Snow Monster while an avalanche headed their way. Bulk and Skull were creating a monster that
they didn’t know Lord Zedd was planning on using against Angel Grove. It was an interesting episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that left
me excited for a conclusion.
This episode should tie up the loose ends of the story
pretty well. The three trapped Power Rangers
will get out of their situation and fight back against the moon dwelling
evil-doers that put them in that situation.
They’ll be joined by the other half of their Power Rangers team. But most of all, Bulk and Skull will create a
problem for Angel Grove that the Power Rangers will have to stop. It’s going to be huge.
Season 2, Episode
49: Storybook Rangers, Part II
Tommy, Rocky, and Kimberly were left in a rough situation as
an avalanche buried them in a sort of snow cave. If they couldn’t get out, they wouldn’t be
able to help Grumble the Magic Elf stop being a grumpy elf. That meant that they would be trapped in the
storybook forever. Luckily for them,
Grumble helped them out of their snow trap.
They took Grumble to see Mondo the Magician, but Mondo wouldn’t break
the grumpy spell. They were out of luck.
Billy, Adam, and Aisha wanted to help their friends. However, there was a bigger threat. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa had brought Bulk
and Skull’s turkey monster to life and it was running amok through the
park. They had to go stop it.
While the three remaining Power Rangers were fighting off
the Turkey Jerk monster, Bulk and Skull were hiding in a tree waiting for their
moment to unmask them. The moment
wouldn’t come. Bulk and Skull fell out
of the tree at the end of the fight and by the time they got up, the Power
Rangers had already teleported back to the Command Centre. After their wasted efforts, the two bumbling
teens returned their books to the book fair.
Aisha came up with a plan to free her friends from their
storybook trap. She drew some new
presents into the story, which allowed Grumble to deliver them to the children
and find his happiness. The story was
over and the Power Rangers were free.
Mondo the Magician was also free, which was a problem. He was attacking Angel Grove. The Power Rangers had to Zord up and stop his
This brings us to the fights in the episode. The first fight was the previously mentioned
battle against the Turkey Jerk monster.
The fight was mostly an Adam fight as he pulled out his Power Axe and
went one on one with the turkey. It
highlighted that Adam was one of the most skilled fighters on the team at the
time. They were lucky that he stuck
around into Turbo because he made the
team stronger. The other fight was the
Zord fight against Mondo which had a lot of swordfighting. It was a pretty strong fight, feeling less
edited than most. It seemed like they
took the majority of the fight unchanged from the Sentai. The only change was the edit to the exploding
monster at the end. Good stuff to close
off the Storybook Rangers story.
Mighty Morphin Power
Rangers has grown a lot since Day of
the Dumpster. The show went from
being very self-contained in each episode to growing the characters out bit by
bit, to multi-episode stories where the characters feel fully formed. It has come a long way. Changes have happened with three of the main
cast members being replaced. One other
major change has been in Billy’s look.
He started out as the stereotypical nerd, in both how he spoke and what
he wore. This season has seen him shed
his nerdy look and begin speaking like an average person. He’s smart but that other stuff was never
needed to confirm that. It should have
always been who he was, not what he looked like and talked like. It’s nice to see this transition out of the
There were a couple things that came up in the second part
of Storybook Rangers that should be
discussed before bringing talk of it to a close. One was the use of Mondo the Magician. His Sentai
counterpart was a major villain. In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, he was
nothing more than a monster attacking Angel Grove in one episode. That’s a large change, and one that was
necessary because of how the American show played out. For some reason, the American producers
decided to create their own villain in Lord Zedd instead of using the Sentai villain from the footage they
took for the second season. That left
major villains without anything to do in the American show.
The other thing that should be brought up, which is much
less important, is the name Grumble. Naming
the magic elf Grumble wasn’t the first use of the word Grumble in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Back in the first season, there was an
episode called Grumble Bee where the
monster was the Grumble Bee. It’s a
strange word that nobody ever uses. Why
was it used for two different characters in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers world?
It was a strange similarity between the two characters and one that I
felt the need to make note of.
The book has been closed on this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and we’re
about to begin another chapter. Coming
up will be the final multi-episode story of the second season. There’s still another episode after it, but
first we must go through the two episode story of Wild West Rangers. This
should be a fun one. Come back soon to
see how fun it is.
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