Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2, Episode 14: Missing Green
Last time in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers , Tommy lost his powers. He was no longer the Green Ranger. He used the end of his powers to defeat the snail monster that was terrorizing Angel Grove and to stop Lord Zedd from creating the Dark Rangers. It was a noble sacrifice. Now the Power Rangers have to deal with losing a teammate. Jason David Frank is still in the show, so he’s still going to play a part even without his powers. Unlike when the Green Candle happened, he will still be around. At least for the next episode. The episode deals with Jason’s guilt over Tommy’s powers being taken away. It could be a solid character building episode, with the show once again moving in the right direction. The show is becoming serialized. It is allowing the events of episodes to have meaning and consequence. That’s progress. Let’s see where we end up with… Season 2, Episode 14: Missing Green Jason...