
Showing posts from May, 2013

Work Stories: Episode 27: A Boy and His Bicycle

Previously on Work Stories I told you about that time when I saw Spandy Andy hanging out around work.   It was a huge surprise to me when that happened.   I hope you liked that story.   This week I have something else for you that I hope will quench the thirst that you must be having for a new Work Story.   Here we go. When I worked at the hotel, I used to ride my bike to work all the time.   I sort of described this when I talked about seeing the car accident on my way home.   I didn’t have a licence at the time, so riding a bike was the best way for me to get to work.   It was only a fifteen or twenty minute ride, so I didn’t mind it at all.   It also gave me some exercise.   That’s a good thing.   I don’t get enough exercise anymore.   But that’s a different story for a different time.   This is about riding my bike to work. The route of my bike riding was going through the residential areas of the city to the t...

The Summer of Massacre (2011) and the Effects Within

I went into this thinking I was going to write about anthology movies and where they can go wrong.   The problem with that train of thought is that I haven’t actually seen all that many anthology movies and most of the ones I have seen have actually been decent.   I don’t have the knowledge yet to accurately describe what is good or bad about anthologies and what makes some better than others.   Thus, I couldn’t do any writing about that.   I had to find another topic to write about in relation to the movie and it came to me fairly easily.   The effects work is something worth noting in the movie.   So, voila!   I now have a new topic to write about. There are two main types of effects, practical and computer generated.   Both of these methods of creating imagery have their good and bad moment.   There’s a certain suspension of disbelief that must be allowed in many cases when watching something that is heavily effects based. ...

Work Stories: Episode 26: Everybody Dance Now

Previously on Work Stories, I told you about a few of the people that I've seen around my workplace a lot. These are people that don't work there. They hang out on the street, some begging for change, some just being creeps. That's what I gave you for a 25 th installment of Work Stories. This week, I'll go back to an actual story sort of thing. One night I was at the museum that I work at doing my cashier duty of being by the cash register and selling tickets to let people inside. It's a fairly easy job to do. I take people's money and give them a ticket that they use to go inside the museum. It's nothing all that interesting until something happens. The night that I sort of described there got interesting after a while. I was manning the cash register when I heard a sound. This sound was the sound of music. There is no radio at the register so I knew that the music was not coming from me. I searched around for a car that was driving...

What's to Come in the Sunday "Bad" Movie Blog Series

As I’ve already written about, I’ve watched twenty-five movies thus far as part of the Sunday “Bad” Movies series of blog posts.   I’m not going to stop there, however.   There are more movies coming, and this blog post is here for me to write about what is to come in the series of posts, and what I hope to add to it in the future.   Basically, this is what will come and what might come. The first and most important thing that I am going to talk about is the upcoming movies.   Right now, I have a schedule planned out for the next twenty-five blog posts.   This is not a solidified schedule.   This is a planned schedule.   Certain movies could change places throughout the schedule, or be removed altogether for the foreseeable future.   I’m not going to share the movies I have planned because I like to keep them somewhat of a surprise until four weeks prior.   I will tell you that there are a few good ones coming though.   The fi...

A Reflection Upon the First 25 Films in the Sunday "Bad" Movie Blog Series

First thing is first.   Thanks for reading, everyone.   I never expected anyone to want to read my opinions on a bunch of bad movies.   I never had the best track record of sharing the same opinion as other people, and it’s nice to know that there are people out there who appreciate my opinion, however much they disagree with it.   Really, I’m truly humbled by anyone who actually takes time out of their lives to read what I have to say.   I’m not important at all, but you care.   Thank you. This post here is basically a personal summation of the first twenty-five posts in my Sunday “Bad” Movie series of blog posts.   Twenty-five.   Who knew that it would last this long?   Okay, some people probably did.   I do watch a lot of movies that are considered bad.   That’s the reason I started this series.   I watch enough bad movies, surely I could write something about them and build up not only my knowledge, but the knowl...