First Time Watches: October 2020
When you watch a movie for the first time, you likely have some expectations about it. You’ve seen trailers or heard something from friends about the quality of the movie. Rarely do you get to a theater or look at something on a streaming service and go “Hey, I’ll check out this movie I know absolutely nothing about.” Everyone goes in with some sort of knowledge. The thing is, first time watches never match those expectations. They are always a little bit off. That’s part of why I like to single out my first time watches. I like to share what I thought about movies when I first saw them. It helps give myself some context about what went into feeling that way, though, in many cases, I don’t explain the context at all. It makes me feel better, though. That’s what matters. October 2020 was filled with first time watches. Not as many as there could have been, but enough that I can make a post without it being a single page Word document. I saw fourteen movies for the first time. There w...