First Time Watches: May 2020
Every month, I write about the movies I saw for the first time. It’s a way to get my thoughts down so that I can have them out there. Sure, I have a Letterboxd and a Twitter and an Instagram where I frequently share my thoughts on the movies I’ve seen. I’m going to keep using those outlets. I also want to keep doing these posts because they’re specifically about the movies I saw for the first time. I’m doing this post a little differently than normal, however. I’m way behind on most of the First Time Watches posts. By way behind, I mean I’m over a year behind. I’m currently writing about the movies I saw for the first time in March 2019 as I try to catch up during the Coronavirus pandemic. For the sake of saving some time on catching up and trying to get these out in a timely manner, I’m going to write this one as I watch the movies. Not literally while the movies are playing. I’m going to watch the movies, then write about them right after. That way, this post should be done a...