Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Episode 2: Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II
In the previous episode of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers , the Power Rangers realized that they needed some outside help to protect Earth from the moon monsters. They called upon the Alien Rangers of Aquitar to take care of the planet while they looked for a way to bring the time back to normal. The moon monsters had a plan of their own, which involved the possible implosion of the Command Centre. Then those fateful words came up. To be continued… This episode will be the continuation. It is the second part of the introduction of the Alien Rangers of Aquitar. That’s fitting, considering the title. I’m a little worried about the Command Centre, though. Nobody noticed what the moon monsters did. They were too busy sending the signal to Aquitar. They’ll definitely find out this episode. And they might even start their plan to return to their normal ages. We’ll find out by taking a look at… Episode 2: Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II Now that the Alien Rangers of Aqui...