Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 15: The Potion Notion
In the last episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers , a monster came to Earth and stole the faces of the people it met. It took Bulk’s face and Skull’s face. It took Aisha’s face and Adam’s face. The rest of the Power Rangers had to find a way to return everyone’s faces and take down the monster once and for all. They did it with the Ninja Ultrazord. Now they’re onto another episode that has something to do with science and/or magic. Perhaps it’s an episode devoted to Billy. There hasn’t been a Billy episode in quite some time. That would be a nice thing to see. We’ll find out real soon, though, as I push play on… Season 3, Episode 15: The Potion Notion A big dance was coming up at Angel Grove High. It wasn’t the high school’s dance, though. It was a dance being held by the Junior Police Patrol. Bulk and Skull were in the halls of the school trying to sell tickets to the dance. They got...