Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 9: Passing the Lantern
Last time we left off with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers , Kimberly was going to move to Paris. Her mom had fallen in love with a French artist, and they were going to move to his home. Aisha swooped in and offered Kimberly a place to stay for the rest of the school year. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa used Kimberly’s nightmares of the move to attack Angel Grove. It was a well done episode that gave Kimberly and Aisha more character depth. Now we’re onto another standalone episode that I don’t know too much about. There’s no clue in the title to who the episode might be about. It has something to do with a lantern, though, so that is some sort of hint about the monster. It won’t be too hard to find out what any of this means, as the episode is about to unfold. Season 3, Episode 9: Passing the Lantern Adam came to his friends with his newest possession, a paper lantern. The lantern was given to him by his family. ...