First Time Watches: August 2018
It’s been a long time since this post was meant to be written and uploaded. By a long time, I mean that this is the post for the first time watches of August 2018. I’m typing this up in December because school got real hectic real quick. There were other issues as well, but that was the main one. I was co-producing one of the thesis dramas that was being made, and invested most of my time into that. Now it’s done and I’m back to catch up on my writing. There were sixteen movies that I saw for the first time in August. They covered a great many genres, but the most frequent for the month was shark movies. Two big ones were released and four others were a part of one of my other blogs, so it became a month all about hanging out with sharks and the people who went up against them. There was also a Muppet murder spree, a rollerblade race, and an anime romance. That’s what August had to offer, and it’s time to get to it. ...