First Time Watches: May 2016
At the end of March, I wrote a post about the movies that I had watched for the first time that month. I did it because I felt that they all deserved attention. Whether that attention was just me writing about them or somebody reading about them, the attention was deserved. I did that again at the end of April (though the post just came out because I was late on finishing it). Now I’m going to write up a post for May. Hopefully this one comes out quicker. Like I already said, my reason for making these posts is twofold. I want to write about the movies to better understand why I did or did not like a movie. I can go back to these posts and see what helped to form my opinion. It’s a record for my own memory. The second reason is so that other people can see what I thought. With a quick little blurb, you can see whether or not I like a movie and whether or not I think you should watch it. I might have a ...