Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 50: Return of an Old Friend Part II
I always appreciate when Mighty Morphin Power Rangers takes some time to change up what the series is a little bit. I’ve said that over and over, again and again. It wouldn’t be right for me to write a post without saying it. Everything would feel wrong with the world. But my sentiments are true. I feel like the show is of better quality when it is about to change. The writing seems stronger. The stakes are higher, the characters have more emotion and grow, and it strays from the standard formula that the show has. It is more entertaining too. This multi-episode story Return of an Old Friend is no different. It brings Tommy back into the fold, though with a twist that I will get to later. It puts the lives of the Power Rangers’ parents in danger. The powers of the Power Rangers were taken away, leaving only the coin of the Green Ranger as a chance of safety. It’s the direst situation that there has been on the show up to this point and an exciting ch