Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 40: Doomsday, Part II
Change is something I always hope to see in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . I want some sort of change that can move the story forward while causing it to not be the same show that it was before. Whether that be a stronger villain, new heroes, new powers, or the loss of a friend, I like the stakes to be higher and the consequences to be more meaningful. That’s why I always look forward to the stories that last more than one episode. You may remember from my last Mighty Morphin Power Rangers post that I was in the middle of one of these stories with the two-part Doomsday arc. Everything had been set to lead to one of the largest shake-ups in the show’s history. Rita brought her castle to Earth and was more powerful than ever. Titanus had been destroyed. The population of Angel Grove was transported to another dimension. Everything had been laid out for a great conclusion. Did the show meet this potential? This ...