
Showing posts from December, 2013

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 29: Wheel of Misfortune

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is not a serialized show.   I know that from the twenty-nine episodes that I have rewatched thus far.   There are some serialized elements to the show, like the accumulated powers that they have obtained, the addition of a sixth Ranger, and the multiple episode arcs, but as a whole, the show is still fairly episodic.   This comes with one slight problem. The main problem with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remaining episodic is that they need to continuously heighten the stakes of what is happening.   It is tough to do that on an episodic basis.   Were the show to take a more serialized route, they could spend an entire season building up something bad that happens to Angel Grove.   Or they could use part of a season for that.   It might be harder for children to follow along if they weren’t watching every episode.   I understand that part.   As a whole, though, the show would feel more satisfying and f...

Ensemble Movies and New Year's Eve (2011)

  The producers in Hollywood are always trying to find ways to get people to go see the movies that they churn out.   One of the most popular ways to get an audience is to build an ensemble cast.   The mentality of an ensemble cast is that there will be so many different actors in the movie that almost anybody would want to see the movie for one of the actors.   There will be someone in the movie for everyone, thus making a bigger audience and generating a bigger box office. There are different ways to go about creating a large ensemble cast for a movie.   The three main ones are to heave a large team-based movie, intertwining stories, or an anthology.   Each method of executing the story utilizes the ensemble cast in a different way.   One constant remains no matter what method is used to capitalize on the cast: the ensemble cast is there. The team-based movie is a movie that tends to have one main storyline, and follows that story in a...

Work Stories: Episode 56: Brownies

Ah yes.   Previously on Work Stories, I wrote about a time that I got yelled at because a woman wanted to come and go from a paid parking lot as much as she pleased.   That’s what I wrote about.   I forgot about that and had to look it up.   It wasn’t that exciting of a story.   That might be why I forgot what it was.   This week, I’ll try to think of something more exciting to write about. Here we go.   I’ll write about what happened to me yesterday at work because it’s so fresh in my mind.   This is a forum for me to get my stories about work out, and the only people who know about this story are me and the person who was working with me.   You’re getting this story third, or fourth, or whatever you are in the order of the people who decide to read this Work Story.   Get ready. I didn’t take a lunch to work yesterday so I had to go out and get one.   Five minutes from work is a Subway sandwich shop.   I went ther...