Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 29: Wheel of Misfortune
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is not a serialized show. I know that from the twenty-nine episodes that I have rewatched thus far. There are some serialized elements to the show, like the accumulated powers that they have obtained, the addition of a sixth Ranger, and the multiple episode arcs, but as a whole, the show is still fairly episodic. This comes with one slight problem. The main problem with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remaining episodic is that they need to continuously heighten the stakes of what is happening. It is tough to do that on an episodic basis. Were the show to take a more serialized route, they could spend an entire season building up something bad that happens to Angel Grove. Or they could use part of a season for that. It might be harder for children to follow along if they weren’t watching every episode. I understand that part. As a whole, though, the show would feel more satisfying and f...