Work Stories: Episode 52: Should I Stay or Should I Go
Previously on Work Stories, I wrote about something. I told all of you about that time that something happened to me that somehow involved me either going to, being at, or leaving from work. I think I wrote about the time a coworker and I had walked past a murder scene. I think that was last week’s story. The Work Stories can’t always be good ones so this week I’m going to intentionally give you a dud. If you don’t want to read a pointless, boring story about something I witnessed at work, don’t read any further than this. I am guaranteeing you that this is not going to be a good story. This one is filler, meant to continue to Work Stories for another week. It’s like that episode of Dragon Ball Z where Goku just stands around building up his spirit bomb and nothing else of note happens. That’s what this Work Story will be. A whole post of nothing important. This week’s Work Story isn’t even something that happen...