Work Stories: Episode 28: The Long Walk

Previously on Work Stories, I told you about the time that I hit someone with my bike while I was riding to work.  That is what I wrote about last time, right?  Right?  It doesn’t matter.  If you want to see what I wrote about last time, you can look back through the Work Stories archives.  This is a new week, and a new story.

This week’s story comes courtesy of my current workplace.  If you’ve been reading the work stories, you already have an idea of where I work.  I’m not going to go through all of that again.  Not because I’ve gone through it before but because it’s almost irrelevant to the story.  I’m still counting this as a work story because it was another case of the story happening on my trip home from work.  How about I get into it now?  I’ll get into it now.

This isn’t much of a story.  I’m not going to hype it up as anything amazing.  It’s just something that happened to me last week as I was leaving work.  You see, it’s a busy street.  The street I work on is one of the three main tourism streets in the city.  A lot of tourist traffic is on the street.  There are a lot of people.  That is how the industry lives.  We prey upon the innocent tourists.  We take all of their money and give them some momentary joy in return.  I’m getting off track.

The day that I’m talking about was a wet day.  It was a stormy day.  It was a day where the rain fell like a waterfall.  Just as my luck would have it, the worst of the rain would pour while I was making my trek from my work to the parking lot.  I looked outside as I was about to leave and decided that it would be best to grab the umbrella that we use at work.  This is a big umbrella.  By big, I mean big.  It could fit five people in it, and everyone would be dry from at least the waist up.  That is how big the umbrella is.  I decided that I would take the umbrella so that I could stay dry on my way to my car.

Another thing that I decided to do was go through the store next door to where I work so that I would spend less time outside.  Why would I want to be in the downpour any longer than I had to be?  I can give you a reason.  It’s about to come up.

As I went through the store, I unhooked the tie that kept the umbrella from sprawling out everywhere.  I’m not sure what that is called.  It’s not a string, but it is used for the same purpose that a string would be used.  When I got to the other door of the store I heard someone say “I only wanted to go to my hotel room and get my shoes.”  It only took me a moment to respond with “I’ll walk you up there.  I have a big umbrella.”

I opened the umbrella and began my walk up the hill with the shoeless woman.  There isn’t too much exciting about this.  We walked out of the store, went about fifteen feet up the street, turned into a parking lot and walked to the hotel.  It wasn’t much of a voyage.  The only thing of any interest about it was that there was a hole in my shoe and water rushed in as it rolled down the street.  That pair of shoes has since been replaced.

When we got to the hotel entrance, she went inside and I turned around and headed for my car.  Nothing else of importance happened on my way up to my car.  I made it there safely, made it home safely, and changed out of my wet clothes.  That’s about it.

So that’s this week’s Work Story.  It really fizzled out at the end there.  I think it’s fairly well written when compared to other installments, however.  That pleases me.  I hope it pleases you as well.  Next week, I’ll be back with another installment that will hopefully be written decently well.  By my standards, at least.

Until then, the government is watching your online activity!


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