Bigfoot's Wild Weekend (2012) and How Netflix Canada Helped Me Find It

A few months ago I finally succumbed to my urges and opened a Netflix account.  I don’t want this to be an advertisement for Netflix, but Netflix is an important part of this week’s movie.  Not because it is integral to the plot but because that’s how I watched the movie.  Now, I opened the Netflix account because I want to be more legal in my movie watching.  I have watched many movies and television shows through ways that might look bad from a legal stance.  I will admit that.  But I want to do less of that from now on.

Netflix has helped to lessen the illegality of my movie watching addiction.  It has given me a vast wealth of movies and television shows to watch.  The problem is that there are a lot of bad movies on Netflix.  Well, I guess that’s not a problem for me.  I’ll watch anything.  For most people that would be a problem.  If you play Russian roulette with Netflix, you have a good chance of shooting yourself with a bad movie.  That brings us to this week’s movie.

Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend is a movie that I found on Netflix because of a site that shows all of the movies that were recently put up.  By the way, when I say Netflix, I’m talking about Netflix Canada.  I recently checked that site and discovered that this movie had been put online.  I had never heard of it before, but the name and description made it seem like the perfect movie for the Sunday “Bad” Movie.  What was the description?  That’s probably something that you are asking right now.  Let me tell you.  And I quote “When skeptical tabloid reporter Harlan James is given the assignment of investigating a string of encounters involving Bigfoot, he soon learns that Bigfoot isn't a scary monster but rather a beer-drinking, panty-stealing party animal!”  Now, if that doesn’t sound fitting, I don’t know what is.

So I sat down one night and watched the movie.  Boy, did it ever meet my expectations and exceed them.  It was just as terrible as I thought it would be.  At the same time, it had moments of brilliance that I didn’t quite expect.  Bigfoot is, in fact, a beer-drinking, panty-stealing party animal.  That is true.  But there are stripper contests, hillbillies, and accidental gunshots to the ass.  Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend brought the laughs.  I’m not sure if I was laughing with or at the movie but I know that I was laughing.

I’ve enjoyed the majority of the movies that Netflix has thrown my way.  Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend is no different.  It might not be the best made movie, and the quality is debatable.  That does not change the fact that I enjoyed the time I spent watching it.  Movies are made to be enjoyed.  That should be the most important priority.  Whether a heavy drama, a frightening horror, or a laugh out loud comedy, a movie should be enjoyable.  I don’t want to waste hours of my life watching something that I flat out hate.  I do that sometimes, especially for the sake of this blog, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a good thing.  Movies are entertainment and they should entertain.  Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend entertained me.

In the future, I will always be looking for movies like this on Netflix.  Bigfoot’s Wild Weekend fits right into the idea of the Sunday “bad” movie.  It’s enjoyably bad.  That’s the perfect kind of bad for these posts.  What movies will I find in the future?  I don’t know.  Hopefully they bring as much fun as this movie brought.  If so, I’ll be having a good time for the foreseeable future.
There are some notes that I would like to make:
  • D.T. Carney played The Creature in this movie.  He was also a detective in The Devil Inside.
  • If you want to suggest a movie for a future Sunday “Bad” Movie post, feel free to drop the suggestion into the comments or into my Twitter mentions.  I take all suggestions into consideration.
  • Something new, starting this week, is that I’m going to have a poll for favourite post of the month.  This month, the poll will include five posts, since there were five put up this month.  I am interested in what you guys liked.


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