Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 6: Food Fight

Every once in a while, a show will come out with a completely filler episode.  This is an episode where nothing happens to further the story, and the plot ends in pretty much the same exact place that it started.  It’s not a bottle episode either.  There is nothing to build up the characters in an emotional way that has resonance on future episodes of the series.

The sixth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is one of the filler episodes.  What happens within the episode is contained solely to the episode and probably will not come back later in the series.  It’s something that is going to need some explanation, so I’m going to dig into it now.

Season 1, Episode 6: Food Fight

At the high school in Angel Grove, the students are participating in a food fair to raise money for a new playground.  Bulk decides to throw pies and a food fight starts.  The principal gets angry.  But then the Power Rangers are called away and the main part of the story begins.

Rita Repulsa has sent a monster to Earth.  This monster is the worst monster that I’ve seen so far in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  It’s a bipedal pig with arms that come out of its mouth and a Trojan helmet.  It liked to eat.  The whole reason it was sent to Earth was to eat all of the food.  I hated this monster.  It looked horrible, and the weakness it had was horrible.  That will come up later.

The Power Rangers go to fight the pig.  They use their power weapons.  The pig eats their power weapons and disappears.  When they find out where it went, they are too late.  It ate all of the food at the food fair.  All except for the spicy stuff, that is.  So, of course they use spicy food to defeat it.  When they trick the pig into eating spicy food, it pukes out everything it has eaten.  They grab their weapons, combine them, and kill the pig.  That’s pretty much the end of the episode.

There isn’t much to the episode.  Although it’s about a pig filling itself up, the episode feels empty.  There is no substance, no moral, and nothing to take away from it.  I was left feeling like I’d spent twenty minutes staring at the screen for no reason at all.

I do like the music though.  There’s nothing that feels like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme song.  Whenever it plays, I am automatically pulled back into the episode.  This episode used it enough to keep me invested, though it didn’t have the substance to back it up.  I would have preferred if there was a little bit more to the story.  But there wasn’t.  I’m left with what this episode is.  A pointless music video.

The next episode will hopefully have more to it.  Only watching it will tell me if it does or not.  After what I felt was the strongest episode yet, this episode was a complete letdown.  Everybody gets one.  This is the one for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


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