Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 2: High Five

One of the highlights of my childhood was playing the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers video game on Super Nintendo.  I played it all the time.  I never made it all that far, but I can remember making it to the first boss.  That one was Bones.  He was a skeleton with a head that would fly around and attack while the body attacked with a sword.

Why am I bringing this up?  I just watched the second episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and one of the bad guys was Bones.  This was the same Bones from the video game.  He was a skeleton whose head could come off and he fought using a sword.  It’s my two Mighty Morphin Power Rangers worlds coming together.  Let’s get into the episode.

Season 1, Episode 2: High Five

Billy made watches that the Power Rangers can use to teleport and communicate with their base of operations.  He’s one smart guy.  That’s why he’s the nerd of their group.  But the watches don’t work properly.  That’s too bad.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull, two unsuccessful bully characters try to climb a rope and fail.  The rest of the Power Rangers want Trini to climb it, but she’s afraid of heights.  There’s no need to worry.  They don’t have time for that anyway.  The Power Rangers have to fight off Putties.  During this, Trini conquers her fear of heights to save Billy who almost fell off of some rocks.

After this, there are two fights.  One is between the Power Rangers and Bones.  He gets defeated when his head is thrown through a crack in the ground and explodes.  I’m not quite sure how that worked, but it did.  Then Rita Repulsa sends a giant Spartan or Centurion or something which Jason fights off with his t-rex zord.

The episode ended on Trini being scared into climbing the rope by Zack.  Then cue the end credits with the awesome music, and it’s all over.

As you can see above, this was the episode that started to bring morals into the show.  It is a children’s show at heart.  The moral of the episode was that you need to face your fears.  Trini faced her fear of heights by saving Billy when he almost fell off of those rocks.  Then she climbed the rope faster than anyone else in the episode.  Children throughout North America learned that they could defeat their fears like Jason defeated the giant ancient soldier.

One final thing I want to write about before I end is that I find it very odd that all of the characters’ wardrobes are filled with clothes that match the colour of their Ranger suit.  Jason is always wearing red, Zack is always wearing black, etc.  There has to be a reason that they were chosen for that colour ranger.  Were they all given their favourite colour or something?  It’s weird.

And with that, I bring this post about the second episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to an end.  Forgive me if the post wasn’t great.  It always takes a few posts to work out the kinks.  It will improve.  I’ll see you next time when I write about the third episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


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