Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 4: A Pressing Engagement

When I was a child, I had an imaginary friend.  Who didn’t when they were young?  The thing is, I wasn’t all that imaginative at that point.  My imaginary friend was a Power Ranger.  In fact, it was Jason, the original Red Ranger.  He was my imaginary friend when I was a child.  I still remember that.

The reason I’m bringing that up is because the fourth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was about Jason.  He was the focus of the Angel Grove story, and he was the focus of the Power Rangers story.  The episode was almost entirely focused on Jason.

Season 1, Episode 4: A Pressing Engagement

The Angel Grove plot of the episode is that Jason is trying to beat the bench press record that was previously set by the school bully, Bulk.  The first time he tries, the guy who is counting gets distracted and forgets the number that Jason is at.  The second time, Zack rides his skateboard in, and crashes into Kimberly.  At the end of the episode, it is resolved when Jason finally beats the record and Bulk falls into a cake.  Because that’s funny.  Right?

Meanwhile, on the moon, Rita Repulsa has decided that the only way to defeat the Power Rangers is to get Jason on his own and take him out.  She sends down Goldar and a Sphinx to fight Jason, Zack, and Kimberly.  Where are Billy and Trini?  I’m not sure.  The Sphinx blows Zack and Kimberly away.  Jason is stuck on his own and the other Power Rangers can’t get to him.  Then Rita throws her staff down and the two monsters grow.

Zordon calls the Power Rangers to the headquarters, where he tells the four of them about their power crystals.  Alpha 5 sends the crystals to Jason who uses them to teleport the other Power Rangers to his location.  I’m not entirely sure how he knew to do that, but he did.  They then get their zords and kick ass.  The Sphinx explodes, and Goldar runs away.  The end.

The main moral of the story in this episode was once again teamwork.  Jason needs his team in order to succeed.  He needs them to defeat Rita’s monsters, and he needs their support to help him beat Bulk’s record.  Teamwork will always prevail.

But the most important thing of the episode was the introduction of the power crystals.  They had not been introduced previously to the episode, and they have major power.  Not only can they be used to instantly find other Power Rangers, but they can give the zords extra power to annihilate the enemies.  These crystals are very powerful, hence the name.

There isn’t much more to say about the fourth episode.  The show is very enjoyable in both its high school stuff and the Power Ranger stuff.  It will be fun to get to the big story arcs that I know will be coming soon.  I cannot wait for that.  See you next time, when I write about the fifth episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


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