Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 1: Day of the Dumpster

I remember watching Power Rangers as a child.  It was one of the shows I was most excited about seeing.  I would look forward to it every day when it played after school.  Something about the show just struck a chord with me.  I think it was the colours and the fighting that did it.  I was a kid.

Anyway, I decided that it was about time I sat down and watched some Power Rangers again.  I am 22.  It’s been at least ten years since I watched a single episode.  That is, until now.  I have rewatched the first episode.  It gave me an idea.  I’m going to watch as many episodes as I can.  I am also going to write about every episode.  This is going to be a long form writing project, and I hope it is one that is interesting.  Here we go with the first episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Season 1, Episode 1: Day of the Dumpster

Not bad.  Not bad.

Day of the Dumpster is the introduction to the characters, and the concept of the entire show.  We get the villain in Rita Repulsa.  She has been released from some sort of imprisonment capsule.  I forget exactly what it was called.  Here release means that she will start attacking Earth again, so there need to be heroes.  We get introduced to a giant floating head named Zordon, and his robot helper Alpha 5.  These are the good guys in this long standing war.  They want to protect Earth and need some help from five overbearing and overly emotional humans.  That means teenagers.  Enter the Power Rangers.

Jason is the red one, Billy the blue one, Kimberly the pink one, Zack the black one, and Trini is the yellow ranger.  They are high school buddies who know gymnastics and martial arts.  Together, they are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers of the title.  When Zordon gives them their powers, they also get cool giant robot dinosaurs.  Only two of them aren’t dinosaurs.  Jason gets a t-rex.  That’s a dinosaur.  Billy gets a triceratops.  That’s a dinosaur.  Kimberly’s pterodactyl is also a dinosaur.  But then there is Zack with his mastodon, and Trini with her sabre-toothed tiger.  Those are mammals.  Okay, whatever.  I’ll go with it.

So the first threat that Rita sends at Earth is Flydar.  He’s a lion type thing with wings and gold armour.  He fights the magazord, which is a combination of all of the dinosaur robots.  Oh, yeah, the dinosaur robots are calls zords.  Flydar runs away like a little sissy.

I’m going to list a few things that I liked, but will go into depth about in later posts:

  • The sound effects of the characters whipping their arms was amusing.
  • This show may have the best music in any television show ever.  It gets me pumped so much.
  • I find it hilarious how they are teleported to random places just so that stock footage can be used.
  • I forgot how the putties spoke.

The rewatch of the first episode was a success and has me excited to revisit the rest of the series.  Now that the characters have their powers, the introductions are done for the time being.  Of course, throughout the years there have been many different characters that donned the power suits, but this is a good start for a show that isn’t necessarily great.  I’m looking forward to more.

The next installment of my Power Rangers retrospective will be up within the next day or so.


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