Oversight Marathon Awards Part 2

It’s been a few days because of the Canadian Horror Marathon and other movies and work and whatnot, but it’s now time to conclude the Oversight Marathon Awards.  We left off last time having done the worst actor, actress, and movie as well as the most influential movie and a few rapid fire awards.  Tonight we shall continue with the best actor, actress, and movie as well as the best single camera shot and a few other rapid fire awards.  Are you ready?  Let’s go.

The first award up is, as usual, awarding an actress.  In this case, it will be awarding the best actress of the Oversight Marathon.  It’s difficult for me to give the runners up for this award, if only for the fact that I don’t know the names of the actresses.  The Birth of a Nation, Citizen Kane, and The Jazz singer all had good performances from the females in them.  Also of note is Faye Wray who I really liked in King Kong, even if I didn’t like the movie too much.  The performance that won the award was a no brainer.  Mrs. Zeta-Jones wins the best actress of the marathon for her stellar performance in Chicago.

Best Actor is a really tough award to give out this marathon.  There were great performances in almost every movie.  By great, I mean they were on another level.  Pacino, DeNiro, Brando, Cazale, all from The Godfather Trilogy.  The entire cast of 12 Angry Men.  Orson Welles.  Al Jolson.  These are the ones I am pointing out.  Only one actor can win.  Let me tell you, this is going to be controversial.  I’m going to give the best actor award to...Lee J. Cobb for 12 Angry Men.  It’s well deserved.

The award for Best Single Camera shot is unfair.  One shot stood out above all else and I made this award just to give that shot an award.  Any runners up are simply place holders.  That’s why there are no runners up for this award.  Only the winner shall be recognized.  The winner being the shot from E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial in which the kid goes into his backyard.  It is a side-shot of the yard with the house on the left and the shed on the right.  From the shed is a light.  The kid is in between looking at the shed.  Something about that camera shot was perfect for me.  So this award is awarding it.

Do you know what time it is?  It’s time for the rapidfire awards!  Let’s list some right now.

Most Interesting Plot Device – The musical being in the main character’s head in Chicago
Surprise, Look Who is in This! – Giancarlo Esposito in The Usual Suspects
The Dirtiest Looking Duo – The Good and The Ugly
Forgivable Blackface – The Jazz Singer
I Now Pronounce You Man and Knife – 12 Angry Men
The Hearst Memorial Award – Citizen Kane

It’s that time.  It’s time to put a neat little bow on the Oversight Marathon, albeit not that neat.  It’s time for the final award.  This is the big one.  This is the best movie of the marathon.  Remember that I’m the only voter.  There are so many to choose from.  12 Angry Men, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, E.T.  Only one can be the winner.  The winner of the title of Best Movie of the Oversight Marathon is...drumroll please...the winner is 12 Angry Men.  No other movie held my attention in its vice grip like clench more than this movie did.  With gripping performances, a story that keeps the viewer invested, and great direction by one Sidney Lumet, 12 Angry Men stands as one of the greatest films I have ever seen and has rightfully earned the top prize of this marathon.

This brings us to the end of the 2012 Oversight Marathon.  It was a great month of catching up with some obvious movie watching oversights.  Come back at the beginning of November for the Canadian Horror Marathon awards.  Same bat place, same bat channel.


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