Canadian Horror Marathon: Ginger Snaps Unleashed (2004)

Ginger Snaps: Unleashed tells the continuing story of the two sisters from the first film, though the events of the predecessor are still in place.  It builds on what happens to the other sister (not Ginger) following the end of the first film.  It went places I wasn’t expecting, while being quite predictable.  The reason I didn’t expect it to go certain places?  I didn’t know what the movie was about.  I only knew it was a sequel and that it had werewolves.

I didn’t like this movie as much as I hoped I would.  The acting is okay, but that’s at best.  Other acting I found to be dull, boring, and bad.  Nobody gave a performance that I could walk away from the movie excited about.  There was no performance of that caliber.  Everybody was serviceable, but only serviceable.

The overall story was alright.  It took elements from a few classic films and created its own story out of those elements.  The combination and the way this played out could have been good, but I think that everything else in the movie took away from the potential that the movie had.

Also of note, I think the werewolf and the makeup of a certain character becoming a werewolf was pretty bad.  I think it hurt the movie quite a bit.  That’s all I want to say about that.  I didn’t like the look of those elements because they seemed quite bad and fake, and I don’t think that they were intentionally so.

There’s not much more to say.  I didn’t like the movie.  I thought it had potential because I liked the first movie but it seems to have wasted a lot of that potential on stuff that could have easily been avoided.  The acting, effects, direction...they could have all been done better and made a better movie.  They weren’t done better though.  What I was left watching was an unsatisfying hour and a half.  Nothing in the movie was really unleashed.  Ginger did not snap.  The movie just sat there, not moving me in any way at all.

Next up is the final movie of the Canadian Horror Marathon.  The movie is Scanners.  I saved it until the end because I wanted to close out the marathon with a Cronenberg classic.  After that, there will be awards, and then it’s done.  It’s been fun, guys.  And that’s all I have to say about that.


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