Canadian Horror Marathon: Fido (2006)

A man goes to the dog park with his golden lab.  It has been a daily routine of his for the past three years.  He would walk his dog to this park and let his dog run, play, and have some fun.  Today would be the day he waited a long time for.

A girl goes to the same dog park with her border collie.  She moved into the neighborhood two weeks prior and knew nobody.  This was her first time going to the dog park.  Maybe she would meet someone.

The two dogs locked eyes from across the dog park.  They would come together to put their owners into each others’ lives.  Panting and barking, the dogs ran to each other, coming nose to nose at the center of the grass.

While the two people talked about their dogs, the dogs small-talked about a movie called Fido.

“Woof.  Woof woof woof,” said the golden lab.

“Bark bark.  Bark bark-bark bark,” replied the border collie.

“WOOF!” sounded the golden lab.

“Bark BARK,” agreed the border collie.

Translating what has been said, the two dogs thought that Fido was an interesting mixture of period piece and zom-com.  They agreed that it was a fun watch.

Later that night, the man, the woman, and their two dogs went for a walk.  Was this the beginning of a beautiful friendship?  I don’t know.  I am the narrator and can only narrate what has been written.  Their future is not written.  It is their future and their future alone.


Next up in the Canadian Horror Marathon will be The Burning, from 1981.  To be honest, I’d never heard of this movie until I was compiling the playlist.  I’m looking forward to checking it out.  That’s true for any movie in this marathon though.  But I am looking forward to The Burning.  And that’s all I have to say about that.


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