JurassicGriffin Presents: Movie Talk on Sunday: Take 2

Wow.  Time really flies when you fill your life up with movies, work, and podcasts.  It seems like just yesterday that I hosted a Movie Talk on Sunday special about movies involving the news.  In reality, it’s been three months.  How has everyone been?  No answers.  You’re probably only here to read the questions.  The problem with that is that I have a few other things to go on about first.

If you want a rundown of the history of #MTOS, I’m not going to give it to you this time.  You might be asking “Why?” right now.  Here’s why.  I gave a brief history last time I hosted.  Not much has changed since then.  We’re still chugging along, meeting new people on Twitter, talking about movies.  If you want a history, you can go HERE or HERE or maybe HERE.  I don’t need to go over what’s already been gone over.

Now is the tricky part: the rules.  At 8pm GMT one question will go up pertaining to my topic.  Every ten minutes after that, another question will appear.  This happens until all ten questions have been asked.  The last question should be up at 9:30pm GMT if my calculations are correct.  The questions will be happening on Sunday, like they always do.  I keep forgetting to say that first.  It’s in the title of the event though, so it should be easy to figure out.

What do you need to do to participate?  That’s something I can answer with ease.  Every time I ask a question, on this upcoming Sunday, November 4, 2012, you respond.  You don’t need to click reply.  Feel free to answer openly in your Twitter timeline so that everyone can see what you think.  The only thing that you need to remember is that we ask you to put the hashtag (#MTOS) into your response.  This way, people participating can find your answers.  It breeds conversation and helps you find new Twitter friends.  It’s socializing of the digital age!

Another thing that the creators (@raghavmodi and @askimrach) encourage is people writing blog entries or other stuff pertaining to the topic of the week.  This does not need to be done on Sundays.  You can do this part whenever you like.  Or you don’t need to do it at all.  It’s all up to your discretion.  They aren’t forcing you to do anything.  I’m not forcing you to do anything.  You have your own free will.  Who are we to take that away from you?

Let me copy/paste one paragraph from my blog entry from last time I hosted Movie Talk On Sunday because it has important information in it. Oh yeah, one more thing about that before I get to my topic and the questions.  This is basically going to reiterate what I have said throughout this.  Act civilized.  Don’t insult one another.  Be courteous.  This isn’t about hate-trolling people.  This is about talking to people about things you like or dislike.  Also, try not to use profanity, especially the harsher portions of the profanity scale.  Keep it at least PG-13, language wise.  I don’t want to hear that my hosting made a bunch of three year olds swear at their parents for their first words.

It’s now time to get to the questions.  This week’s topic is Facial Hair in Movies.  I wanted to do this topic to coincide with my November movie marathon of a similar topic.  I’m not here to self-promote though.  I liked the topic idea.  I didn’t want to go with straight-forward questions about favourite or least favourite, so I tried to think up some different questions.  I’m not going to say these are great, but at least they aren’t so typical or usual.  I can say that I am happy about that.  Here they are:

1.            In which movie do you feel that the facial hair is most intertwined in the plot?

2.            Does a mustachioed actor ever take you out of a movie?

3.            Has facial hair ever tricked you into not recognizing an actor that you would normally recognize?

4.            For which actor does facial hair most help to define their persona?

5.            Does the facial hair add to the humor of Zach Galafianakis and if he lost it would he be less funny?

6.            Sometimes in a comedy, someone draws facial hair on another person.  Has this ever been funny?

7.            What movie character wouldn’t be the same without their facial hair?

8.            Which movie has your favourite scene of shaving?

9.            Why is there an assumption that an actor is taking a role more seriously if he grows out some facial hair?

10.          What is the definition of a “porn ‘stache?”

Like I said, they aren’t the best questions.  I was trying something a little bit different than the usual genre topic where they tend to be the same questions in a different genre.  I think I succeeded in that.  If you disagree with me and want to tell me how terrible my questions are, or you want to call me names such as “Grapehopper,” or “Pigsnorter,” or even “Canuckmapleman,” leave a comment or send me a tweet @JurassicGriffin.

That’s all that I have for you guys.  And girls.  I can’t forget the ladies.  If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here.  I’ll see each and every one of you this Sunday for a good round of Movie Talk on Sunday.  Now I need to figure out how this Daylight Savings stuff is going to throw off my timing.


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