Canadian Horror Marathon Overview

October is a month in which most people who like movies feel the need to get their horror on.  I am sort of with those people.  I watch horror when I feel like watching horror.  During October, I watch more than usual.  That’s why I’m writing this right now.  It’s time for a horror marathon.

I’m not some kind of conformist though.  That’s why my marathon is a little bit more specific.  Yes, I will be watching horror.  But I want my blog marathon to be more than just a horror marathon this year.  I’m going to be watching eleven Canadian movies that are either horror, or have elements of horror to them.  There might be a bonus twelfth at the end, depending on time.

That’s right, people who are insane enough to read what I write.  I’m going to be watching eleven, possibly twelve, movies in the horror genre that are Canadian, or at least somewhat Canadian.  Why?  You might be asking yourself that question right now.  Let me tell you.  I’m Canadian.  I want to support my country by watching the output of movies.  I haven’t seen enough Canadian movies to satisfy my own patriotism to my country.  I want to watch some more.

So, here is the list of eleven movies that I will be watching, in no specific order.

Cube (1997)
Pontypool (2008)
The Changeling (1980)
Black Christmas (1974)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Ginger Snaps: Unleashed (2004)
Prom Night (1980)
Fido (2006)
The Burning (1981)
Scanners (1981)
Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)

The bonus movie is: Deathdream (1972)

So, there’s a wide array of Canadian horror there.  I’ve seen four of them before, and parts of a few others, but most of the stuff is new to me.  I’m interested to see what Canadian film was able to produce for horror.  It looks to have a wealth of opportunity.

If you are interested, for some reason, in the marathons that I do, feel free to:

  • Suggest future marathon ideas.
  • Follow me on Twitter and when I talk about a future marathon (aka Mustache Marathon Part Deux) feel free to suggest movies and/or actors that could be included.
  • Look back at my past marathons by reading other blog entries.
  • Watch some of the movies because sometimes it’s nice to get other people’s opinions.
  • Leave comments.
That's it for this overview of my Canadian Horror Marathon.  I think Pontypool is up first, if anybody wanted to know that.  It'll be my second viewing; hopefully the movie will hold up.  See you soon.


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