Canadian Horror Marathon: Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010? 2011? 2012?)

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
I'll see lots of messed up stuff
And possibly someone die.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are black,
And when I decide to escape
Better watch my back.

Someday I'll wish to my mom's soul
And wake up where it isn't cold
Around me.
Where troubles never shall exist
No more giant clouds of mist
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
I am held.
Man watches me all of the time.
Why am I in this hell?

If you are to have happiness
Then let me ask you this
Why, oh why can't I? let me copy/paste the ending of the last writeup.  Like I edited in there, I wanted to line Beyond the Black Rainbow up with That Jaime’s Horror Fest.  So I had to postpone The Changeling a little bit.

That’s about all I have for The Burning Beyond the Black Rainbow.  Up next is a classic that most people know about in some way.  The Changeling, starring George C. Scott is taking the next spot in the marathon.  This should be a good one.  (I say that every time, don’t I?)  I like George C. Scott.  I’m hoping he’s great again.  And that’s all I have to say about that.


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