Writing For the Sake of Writing

Sometimes, you can sit there for minutes upon minutes, and hours upon hours, and have nothing at all to say.  This does not mean that you are intelligent or not.  This does not say anything about you as a person.  All that it means is that there is nothing to say.  Or nothing for you to say.  It happens.  You shouldn’t let it get the best of you.

The same goes for writers.  There are times when a writer has nothing to write.  Writers cannot always put out good product and sometimes they feel that they have no output inside them.  It is writer’s block.  Writer’s block is the arch-nemesis of a writer but is not something that is truly there.  As much as you feel you have nothing to say, nothing to write, nothing to add to the world, there is always something inside you.

I thought I had nothing to write when I first opened the word document.  I thought I had nothing at all.  What did I do?  I started typing.  I didn’t know what I would type.  I had no idea what was going to show up on the page.  So far it is three paragraphs of meaningless words talking about writing when you have nothing to write.  At least it’s something.  I’m getting something out of myself.  It makes me feel better.  It makes me feel more complete.

Sometimes you need to write for the sake of writing.  You may be trying to write one thing and hit the wall.  Write something else.  Get something out of yourself.  It doesn’t matter if that thing you write is good or bad.  As long as you are writing something, you will feel a little bit better.  Getting this other writing out of the way, the writing of the mind, might help you break through that wall to keep going on the work you were originally doing.  It might not.  It still helps to clear your head.

That is where this comes from.  Clarity of the mind.  I don’t think this is necessarily good writing.  That does not matter to me.  I’m writing for the sake of writing.  This helps me as a person in the long run.  How?  I won’t know until later.  This does allow a release of my empty thoughts, opening up space for more thoughts to go in.

I have come to the end of this expelling of my mind.  It is a bunch of rambling about writing just to write. Talking just to talk.  Don’t do that one by yourself in public.  If you’re going to talk out loud, not to anyone in particular, I would recommend not doing that where people can see you and judge you as a crazy person.  Find a place where you are by yourself and just talk.  If you can’t write about something, write about something else until you get back around to that original writing.  The end.


  1. Good post mate.

    It's almost Zen to be able to write for the sake of writing. Clears the mind and allows you to focus and get back on track.


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