Snow Set Movie Marathon Overview

With December comes another marathon.  This will be the last marathon I’ll do for a few months because of school and all.  Anyway, let me explain the marathon for you.

I wanted a marathon that fit the December time, sort of, but not have any relation to Christmas.  Why?  Everybody is going to be watching Christmas movies.  A lot of people will be discussing Christmas movies.  I didn’t want to just go with what everyone else is doing.  That’s why I asked people for ideas.  What I picked from those ideas was movies set in the snow.  Or having to do with snow.  That type of thing.

Thus, the Snow Set Movie Marathon was born.  I’m sure that something in here will make me feel dumb and not have a lot of snow in it.  Oh well.  That happened to me in the Mustache Movie Marathon, when I picked Road House for Sam Elliot’s ‘stache and he didn’t have it in that movie.  It’s nothing new.

Set list?  I’ve got one lined up.  This is in no specific order.  Four of these are rewatches, and the other six will be movies that are new to me.  The oldest movie is from 1968 and the newest movie is from 2010.  That’s the range.  I think I hit a good amount of genres.  Here are the movies:

The Shining (1980)
The Great Silence (1968)
The Sweet Hereafter (1997)
Frozen (2010)
Touching the Void (2003)
Batman and Robin (1997)
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Quintet (1979)
Dead Snow (2009)
The Eiger Sanction (1975)

Those are the ten movies I will be watching.  I’ve got batsuit nipples, a western with a blizzard, some mountain climbing, ass probing aliens, and zombie Nazis.  How can I go wrong with this marathon?

What do you think of this list?  Good?  Bad?  I’m excited.  I can’t wait to rewatch some of these.  I can’t wait to watch some of these for the first time.  Once again, I don’t know what order I’ll watch them in, but I will watch them all.  This is going to be an interesting month.


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